The Handbook on Civil Jurisdiction of Court of Appeal & Supreme Court.


About the book

The essence of this book - THE HANDBOOK ON CIVIL JURISDICTION OF COURT OF APPEAL & SUPREME COURT – is to fill the void in the literature on the subject. The book takes the subject of civil procedure rules and practice of the appellate courts to new and greater heights, dealing with and discussing the Supreme Court Rules, 1996 (C.I. 16) (as amended) and the Court of Appeal Rules, 1997 (C.I. 19) (as amended) in depth. Part A deals with the rules of procedure and practice for civil appeals in the Court of Appeal. Part B deals with the rules of procedure and practice for civil appeals in the Supreme Court as well as the general jurisdiction such as original, reference, supervisory, review and Presidential election challenge jurisdiction.

Apart from rendering the rules in conversational language - as against the often highly technical, verbose and tedious draftsman’s language used in constitutional instruments such as C.I. 16 and C.I. 19 - the various decisions the appellate courts have given regarding the meaning, interpretation and application of the rules are discussed in detail. As it is characteristic of the author - to engender discussion and debate about the rules and decided cases - she gives her comments on aspects of the rules and the way the appellate courts have applied them.  This book also comes complete with precedents. The precedents are based on C.I. 16 and C.I. 19 (as amended) as well as the Civil Forms in both C.I. 16 and C.I. 19 and the various practice directions given by the Supreme Court from time to time. 

In effect, this book, just like its worthy predecessor - THE HANDBOOK ON CIVIL PROCEDURE & PRACTICE IN GHANA - is an invaluable addition to every lawyer, judge and law student’s library. Both books move together like the metaphoric two peas in a pod. Thus, they must be owned and used together to give the owner the complete satisfaction of having their entire civil procedure and practice materials from the trial courts to the highest court in two books. Talk about convenience brewed in two simple packs! 

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